Jury Prize – Best Performance



Prize for Déborah LUKUMUENA‘s performance

Résumé / Summary

Ama, onze ans, et sa mère, Grace, trouvent réconfort dans le monde paisible mais isolé qu’elles se sont créé lors de leur emménagement dans une tour d’habitation de Glasgow. Mais la soif de vivre d’Ama et son besoin de grandir, de se développer, mettent à l’épreuve leur profonde complicité et remettent en question les règles du monde fermé que Grace, protectrice, a bâti de façon obsessive. Elle est obligée, peu à peu, de faire face à un passé qu’elle s’efforçait
Eleven-year-old Ama and her mother, Grace, take solace in the gentle but isolated world they obsessively create after starting life anew in a Glasgow tower block. But Ama’s thirst for life and her need to grow and develop puts their deep bond to the test and challenges the rules of the insular world Grace protectively created, gradually forcing the mother to reckon with a past she struggles to forget. Their sheltered world and fairytale origin story slowly begins to erode from the inside

ADURA ONASHILE is a British director.

After writing and directing her play Expensive Shit (2013), she adapted it into a short film in 2020 and presented it at the FBI London Film Festival. The film won her the Audience and Critics’ Choice Award at the Glasgow International Film Festival. In 2022, she directed the film “Girl” and presented it at various festivals, including the British and Irish Film Festival.

DEBIORAH LUKUMUENA is an actress revealed in Houda Benyamina’s 2016 film “Divine”. In 2017, she received the César for Best Supporting Actress, becoming the youngest and first black actress to receive the award.